The Hinds Academy Foundation was created in 2005 by members of the Edward C. Hinds Academy (University of Texas at Houston O.M.S. Alumni and Friends of the specialty). It’s purpose is to provide ongoing support to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the University of Texas at Houston from a private, endowed fund overseen by a select board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons who are members of the Academy. To date, alumni and friends of the Department have individually contributed over $3.5 million in donations, pledges, and legacy gifts. In 2016, in response to a University of Texas Health Science Center “Game Changer” matching campaign, the Foundation helped create a $1.6 million “Hinds Foundation-John Helfrick” permanent endowment for the Department, now valued at $2.0 million.
The Hinds Academy Foundation is pleased to announce its 2024 campaign to raise funds for a unique permanent "Hinds Foundation Research Endowment Fund" for the UTHealth Houston Katz Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The campaign is sparked by the generous commitment of $100,000 from one of our alumni of the Houston OMS program, Dr. Steve Koo. He has previously provided significant gifts to the UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry and the OMS Department, as well as the Hinds Foundation. This initiative is based on an expectation of a match from several of our existing alumni and friends of the Department.